Postal Code Search Returns No Results

Searching by postal codes can return unexpected results. This often happens when then search is not restricted to a single country, but also because by default the user input is always assumed to be an address. So when you provide a postal code instead, the Google Geocode API may not return the expected results.

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Include the URL in the Search Results

Showing the URL in the search results can be done by creating a custom search results template with the wpsl_listing_template filter. If you also like to include it in the info window that opens up after the user clicks on a marker, then that’s done with the wpsl_info_window_template filter. Place the code examples below in…

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The Attempt to auto-locate the User Setting is Ignored

It happens in rare cases that the selected option for the ‘Attempt to auto-locate the user’ setting is ignored ( probably due to caching somewhere ). To fix this you can overwrite it with a few lines of code that have to be placed in the functions.php inside your active theme folder. To disable it…

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